Time to clean track, check running and make any repairs on our layout March in Time before our next outing to Stamford for a two day exhibition on 13th & 14th May. Occasionally minor damage can occur to landscaping during transportation on our Fenland roads. Dave E soon made repairs with a few drops of superglue without attaching himself to the layout!! Dave K & Peter looked on giving helpful advice..........
Richard brought along his recent purchases of Hornby TT 1:120 locos and wagons together with a circuit of track to demonstrate them. They are exquisite, very detailed and ran perfectly straight out of the box. Members were very impressed and agreed they nicely filled the gap between 00 and N gauge in terms of scale and ideal for those who have only a small space for a layout & with eyesight issues, struggle to work on N gauge. To impress us further Richard already had drawn a plan of his proposed layout and made 3D printed scale tunnel portals.
More progress on 7mm Narrow Gauge layout Ardgowan with Alan refurbishing the engine shed with a textured exterior and a new interior for the local public house with (allegedly) Lenny and Ed discussing progress whilst supping their pints in the snug!!
Liam's work for the evening was practicing removal of decals from cheap rolling stock in preparation for adding graffiti and weathering for his American stock.
Dave R has set himself a task of scratchbuilding some beacons for his castle using fine wire and solder. First one of four now made without being thrown in the bin!! Well done Dave, only three more to go......
Finally Dave W's table looking very busy with items for his Goods Shed needing gluing together scattered about. By the end of evening Dave's substantial achievement was to stick one step to the side wall............................ Of course conversations of what was happening to favorite football teams had nothing to do with the rate of production!!!